Virtual Event
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Canada to Support UN Vote for UNRWA and Jerusalem
Hosted by: Canadian Palestinian Organization- Arab Palestine Association of Ontario- CJPME
The Palestinian issue will remain, despite the ordeals, stubbornly forgotten and passed down through generations, and that the rights of the Palestinian people to return and build their independent state on their land will not be subject to the statute of limitations no matter how long it takes.
القضية الفلسطينية ستبقى رغم المحن عصية على النسيان وتتوارثها الأجيال، وأن حقوق شعب فلسطين في العودة وبناء دولته المستقلة على أرضه لن تسقط بالتقادم مهما طال الزمن.