Promoting the Culture of Giving:
The Palestinian House – Toronto participated in the 2nd blood drive and contribute to the blood donation campaign in cooperation with Canadian Blood Services.
Event was held on Saturday,January 4, 2020 from 11:am to 1:00 pm
at the following address:
Mississauga Donor Center (Heartland)
765 Britannia Rd W- Unit 2
It was our pleasure to announce that Palestine House- Toronto is collaborating with Canadian Blood service to organize it’s first blood drive. Alhamdullellah our 2nd blood drive had a great turnout and the blood donors had a positive experience. This was an opportunity to give back to the society.
بكل سرور أقام البيت الفلسطيني- تورنتو الحملة الثانية للتبرع بالدم بالتعاون مع خدمات الدم الكندي و تكللت بالنجاح و الحمد لله الحملة الثانية للتبرع بالدم كان لها صدى إيجابي و خبرة إيجابية للمتبرعين و كانت فرصة طيبة لرد الجميل للمجتمع .